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We’re BALI accredited

When choosing landscaping services – especially in the Bromley and South East London area – you want to be sure you’re making the right choice. That means employing people who are trained and qualified to carry out the works you need both safely and effectively. And, as BALI members, that’s exactly what we do. 

So, what is BALI?

It’s a longstanding, reputable trade association which represents landscape professionals around Britain. It stands for the British Association of Landscape Industries, so amongst its members you’ll find businesses who design, build and maintain landscapes, as well as their suppliers, and even talented professionals who provide training and maintain standards across the industry.

What does BALI do?

BALI represents their members (good for us) and provides assurance that you’re getting a high-quality, reliable landscape professional (good for you). Every member has been accredited to ensure standards are upheld, and BALI captures these in a ‘code of conduct’, which includes promises professionals must make – and maintain – to keep their membership.

These include:

  • Maintaining high standards of business
  • Only providing services they are competent to perform
  • Training and developing staff
  • Operating in an eco and ethical way
  • Resolving customer complaints promptly and professionally

Members must also act lawfully, ensuring they meet customer, legislative and regulatory requirements. This part is especially important, as it gives customers peace of mind when booking an arborealist service.

Why is BALI important?

The trade association is partly for those in the industry, and partly for you as a customer. It affords some protection to both parties through its dispute resolution service, and also ensures that works are carried out to a high standard and within the law. You also have assurance that your chosen arborealist is only carrying out the kinds of works they’re qualified and experienced to do, and that they generally operate in a sustainable and ethical manner.

What else do I need to know about BALI?

You might be pleased to hear that they run lots of charity initiatives, partly funded by their membership fees. These include:

  • BALI Chalk Fund – named after founder Geoffrey Chalk, it states they “provide funding and bursaries for skills development across the landscape industry”, whether it’s scholarships, training materials, competitions or landscape courses.
  • Greenfingers – aimed at supporting children in hospices, they design colourful outdoor spaces for kids to relax and enjoy therapy with their family and friends. There are over 44 gardens currently in the UK.
  • Perennial – providing advice and financial help, this charity supports people dealing with life-changing events who either work in horticulture, or are retired from the industry.
  • Thrive – finally, Thrive uses gardening to change lives, helping people with a wide range of learning and physical disabilities, long-term illnesses, and mental health concerns to get growing.

What does BALI accreditation mean for TreesUK customers?

It means that when you book our landscaping services, you can expect:

  • Clear, honest and trustworthy pricing
  • High-quality workmanship in your chosen area
  • Trained, qualified and thoroughly vetted arborealists
  • Ethical and sustainable business practices
  • A dispute resolution service for your protection

To find out more about BALI or our team, get in touch. Our arborealists carry out landscaping work in Bromley and South East London, whether it’s treating pests and disease; planting trees; removing trees; or maintenance of hedges, bushes and other plants.

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